On Friday March 29th, a poignant performance was seen on The Voice of Finland, as singer Anna Lumikivi performed ‘Wars Untold’ partly in Skolt Sámi. The song is familiar from our documentary series Untold Arctic Wars and is written and recorded by IRENE with Davide Rossi. Skolt Sámi is spoken by about 300-400 people.

I joined Voice of Finland to be a voice for our Skolt Sámi children.

Anna Lumikivi, The Voice of Finland contestant

“Singing in our endangered language on prime time TV was a mission. If I can inspire even one child in our community, it’s a victory beyond any singing contest.”


Although her journey in the programme and Maija Vilkkumaa‘s team did not continue, Anna Lumikivi was satisfied with the outcome and felt that she had achieved her goals for the programme, as she was able to sing in her own language twice.


Photos of Anna Lumikivi by Saku Tiainen.

Song about untold pain

IRENE wrote the song originally for the tv series. Wars Untold is about silenced pain and stories that have been too painful to tell.

I'm deeply humbled by Anna's dedication to making the theme song her own and using it to tell her peoples’ story.

IRENE, singer-songwriter

“If the commercial mainstream programs are brave enough to hold space for this kind of messages, we certainly have hope for peace.”


As the company behind the tv series, we are very impressed with both the stunning song by IRENE and the moving performance by Anna Lumikivi. Untold Arctic Wars is a series that focuses on the role of the North in the Second World War, the importance of the Arctic’s natural resources and the impact of the cold climate on the conduct of the war in a way that has never been seen before. A second season of the series is currently in the works and will focus on the Cold War.

The chorus in Skolt Sami:


Jõs mij jeäʹp tuõst mainsteškueʹtted

Viõkkvääʹld lueʹšttep juätkkjed

Jõs mij jeäʹp vueiʹt ni miõttâd

Pokoineʹǩǩen šõddâp mij, koid

Peeiʹtim, eʹpet-ǥo tät

juätkk nääiʹt?



If we keep silent

We repeat the silence

If we keep our pride

We become the bodies we hide 

for the next ones 

to find.